$view = new view;
$view->name = 'company_list2';
$view->description = 'Table of companies test';
$view->tag = '';
$view->base_table = 'node';
$view->core = 0;
$view->api_version = '2';
$view->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default view disabled initially */
$handler = $view->new_display('default', '', 'default');
$handler->override_option('fields', array(
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'value' => 'nid)->field_markets[0][\'value\']); ?>',
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'override' => array(
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'value' => 'nid);
$status = $company->field_ugcstate[0][\'value\'];
$claimer = $company->field_uid_claimer[0][\'value\'];
$owner = $company->uid;
if ($status == 100) {
$owner_profile_id = content_profile_load(\'profile\', $owner)->nid;
echo \'assigned to \' . user_load($owner)->realname . \'\';
elseif (isset($claimer)) {
$claimer_profile_id = content_profile_load(\'profile\', $claimer)->nid;
echo \'claimed by \' . user_load($claimer)->realname . \'\';
else {
echo \'unassigned\';
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'override' => array(
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'id' => 'field_company_comment_value',
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'phpcode_2' => array(
'label' => 'Claimed?',
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'relationship' => 'none',
$handler->override_option('filters', array(
'type' => array(
'operator' => 'in',
'value' => array(
'company' => 'company',
'group' => '0',
'exposed' => FALSE,
'expose' => array(
'operator' => FALSE,
'label' => '',
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'table' => 'node',
'field' => 'type',
'override' => array(
'button' => 'Override',
'relationship' => 'none',
'title' => array(
'operator' => 'contains',
'value' => '',
'group' => '0',
'exposed' => FALSE,
'expose' => array(
'operator' => 'title_op',
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'optional' => 1,
'use_operator' => 0,
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'remember' => 0,
'case' => 0,
'id' => 'title',
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'field' => 'title',
'override' => array(
'button' => 'Override',
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'status' => array(
'operator' => '=',
'value' => 'All',
'group' => '0',
'exposed' => TRUE,
'expose' => array(
'operator' => '',
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'label' => 'Published',
'optional' => 1,
'remember' => 0,
'id' => 'status',
'table' => 'node',
'field' => 'status',
'override' => array(
'button' => 'Override',
'relationship' => 'none',
'field_ugcstate_value_many_to_one' => array(
'operator' => 'or',
'value' => array(
10 => '10',
'group' => '0',
'exposed' => TRUE,
'expose' => array(
'use_operator' => 0,
'operator' => 'field_ugcstate_value_many_to_one_op',
'identifier' => 'field_ugcstate_value_many_to_one',
'label' => 'Profile Status ',
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'single' => 0,
'remember' => 0,
'reduce' => 0,
'id' => 'field_ugcstate_value_many_to_one',
'table' => 'node_data_field_ugcstate',
'field' => 'field_ugcstate_value_many_to_one',
'override' => array(
'button' => 'Override',
'relationship' => 'none',
'reduce_duplicates' => 0,
'field_uid_claimer_value' => array(
'operator' => 'not empty',
'value' => array(
'value' => '',
'min' => '',
'max' => '',
'group' => '0',
'exposed' => TRUE,
'expose' => array(
'use_operator' => 1,
'operator' => 'field_uid_claimer_value_op',
'identifier' => 'field_uid_claimer_value',
'label' => 'Content: Uid Claiming User (field_uid_claimer)',
'optional' => 1,
'remember' => 0,
'id' => 'field_uid_claimer_value',
'table' => 'node_data_field_uid_claimer',
'field' => 'field_uid_claimer_value',
'override' => array(
'button' => 'Override',
'relationship' => 'none',
'field_city_value' => array(
'operator' => 'contains',
'value' => '',
'group' => '0',
'exposed' => TRUE,
'expose' => array(
'use_operator' => 0,
'operator' => 'field_city_value_op',
'identifier' => 'field_city_value',
'label' => 'Content: City (field_city)',
'optional' => 1,
'remember' => 0,
'case' => 1,
'id' => 'field_city_value',
'table' => 'node_data_field_city',
'field' => 'field_city_value',
'override' => array(
'button' => 'Override',
'relationship' => 'none',
$handler->override_option('access', array(
'type' => 'role',
'role' => array(
3 => 3,
$handler->override_option('cache', array(
'type' => 'none',
$handler->override_option('title', 'Companies');
$handler->override_option('header', '
If you want all companies that already have been assigned to somebody, please use the following settings.
- Profile Status: Assigned
- Content: Uid Claiming User (field_uid_claimer): Is empty (NULL)
If you want all companies for which somebody has claimed ownership, but has not yet been assigned, please use the following settings.
- Profile Status: Unassigned
- Content: Uid Claiming User (field_uid_claimer): Is not empty (NOT NULL)
If you want all companies for which nobody has claimed ownership yet, please use the following settings.
- Profile Status: Unassigned
- Content: Uid Claiming User (field_uid_claimer): Is empty (NULL)
Sorry for the inconvenience!
$handler->override_option('header_format', '2');
$handler->override_option('header_empty', 1);
$handler->override_option('items_per_page', 50);
$handler->override_option('use_pager', '1');
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'grouping' => '',
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'label' => 'Name',
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'field' => 'title',
'override' => array(
'button' => 'Override',
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'phpcode_1' => array(
'label' => 'Industry',
'alter' => array(
'alter_text' => 0,
'text' => '',
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'path' => '',
'absolute' => 0,
'link_class' => '',
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'empty' => '',
'hide_empty' => 0,
'empty_zero' => 0,
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'value' => 'nid)->field_markets[0][\'value\']); ?>',
'exclude' => 0,
'id' => 'phpcode_1',
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'field' => 'phpcode',
'relationship' => 'none',
'override' => array(
'button' => 'Use default',
'field_country_tags_value' => array(
'label' => 'Country',
'alter' => array(
'alter_text' => 0,
'text' => '',
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'path' => '',
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'link_class' => '',
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'group' => TRUE,
'multiple_number' => '',
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'exclude' => 0,
'id' => 'field_country_tags_value',
'table' => 'node_data_field_country_tags',
'field' => 'field_country_tags_value',
'relationship' => 'none',
'phpcode_2' => array(
'label' => 'Has finround?',
'alter' => array(
'alter_text' => 0,
'text' => '',
'make_link' => 0,
'path' => '',
'absolute' => 0,
'link_class' => '',
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'empty' => '',
'hide_empty' => 0,
'empty_zero' => 0,
'hide_alter_empty' => 1,
'value' => 'nid;
$result = db_result(db_query(\'SELECT nid FROM {content_field_comp_ref} WHERE field_comp_ref_nid = %d ORDER BY vid DESC LIMIT 1\', $data->nid));
if ($result === FALSE) {
print \'-\';
else {
$status = node_load($result)->field_platformstatus[0][\'value\'];
$content_field = content_fields(\'field_platformstatus\');
$allowed_values = content_allowed_values($content_field);
print \'\' . $allowed_values[$status] . \'\';
'exclude' => 0,
'id' => 'phpcode_2',
'table' => 'customfield',
'field' => 'phpcode',
'override' => array(
'button' => 'Use default',
'relationship' => 'none',
'phpcode_3' => array(
'label' => 'Get in touch',
'alter' => array(
'alter_text' => 0,
'text' => '',
'make_link' => 0,
'path' => '',
'absolute' => 0,
'link_class' => '',
'alt' => '',
'rel' => '',
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'suffix' => '',
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'word_boundary' => 1,
'ellipsis' => 1,
'html' => 0,
'strip_tags' => 0,
'empty' => '',
'hide_empty' => 0,
'empty_zero' => 0,
'hide_alter_empty' => 1,
'value' => 'is_flagged($data->nid)) {
$date = node_load($data->nid)->field_company_get_in_touch_date[0][\'value\'];
if (isset($date)) {
print $date;
else {
print \'yes\';
else {
print \'no\';
'exclude' => 0,
'id' => 'phpcode_3',
'table' => 'customfield',
'field' => 'phpcode',
'override' => array(
'button' => 'Use default',
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'label' => 'Published?',
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'word_boundary' => 1,
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'hide_empty' => 0,
'empty_zero' => 0,
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'type' => 'yes-no',
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'id' => 'status',
'table' => 'node',
'field' => 'status',
'override' => array(
'button' => 'Use default',
'relationship' => 'none',
'phpcode' => array(
'label' => 'Claimed?',
'alter' => array(
'alter_text' => 0,
'text' => '',
'make_link' => 0,
'path' => '',
'absolute' => 0,
'link_class' => '',
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'html' => 0,
'strip_tags' => 0,
'empty' => '',
'hide_empty' => 0,
'empty_zero' => 0,
'hide_alter_empty' => 1,
'value' => 'nid);
$state = $company->field_ugcstate[0][\'value\'];
$claimer = $company->field_uid_claimer[0]["value"];
if ($state == \'10\' && isset($claimer)) {
print \'yes\';
else {
if ($state == \'100\') {
print theme(\'username\', user_load($company->uid));
else {
print \'n/a\';
'exclude' => 0,
'id' => 'phpcode',
'table' => 'customfield',
'field' => 'phpcode',
'override' => array(
'button' => 'Use default',
'relationship' => 'none',
'created' => array(
'label' => 'Created',
'alter' => array(
'alter_text' => 0,
'text' => '',
'make_link' => 0,
'path' => '',
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'empty' => '',
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'empty_zero' => 0,
'date_format' => 'time ago',
'custom_date_format' => '',
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'id' => 'created',
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'field' => 'created',
'override' => array(
'button' => 'Override',
'relationship' => 'none',
'field_company_comment_value' => array(
'label' => 'Comment',
'alter' => array(
'alter_text' => 0,
'text' => '',
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'multiple' => array(
'group' => TRUE,
'multiple_number' => '',
'multiple_from' => '',
'multiple_reversed' => FALSE,
'exclude' => 0,
'id' => 'field_company_comment_value',
'table' => 'node_data_field_company_comment',
'field' => 'field_company_comment_value',
'override' => array(
'button' => 'Use default',
'relationship' => 'none',
'field_company_owner_uid' => array(
'label' => 'Company owner',
'alter' => array(
'alter_text' => 0,
'text' => '',
'make_link' => 0,
'path' => '',
'absolute' => 0,
'link_class' => '',
'alt' => '',
'rel' => '',
'prefix' => '',
'suffix' => '',
'target' => '',
'help' => '',
'trim' => 0,
'max_length' => '',
'word_boundary' => 1,
'ellipsis' => 1,
'html' => 0,
'strip_tags' => 0,
'empty' => '',
'hide_empty' => 0,
'empty_zero' => 0,
'hide_alter_empty' => 1,
'link_to_node' => 0,
'label_type' => 'widget',
'format' => 'default',
'multiple' => array(
'group' => TRUE,
'multiple_number' => '',
'multiple_from' => '',
'multiple_reversed' => FALSE,
'exclude' => 0,
'id' => 'field_company_owner_uid',
'table' => 'node_data_field_company_owner',
'field' => 'field_company_owner_uid',
'override' => array(
'button' => 'Use default',
'relationship' => 'none',
$handler->override_option('filters', array(
'type' => array(
'operator' => 'in',
'value' => array(
'company' => 'company',
'group' => '0',
'exposed' => FALSE,
'expose' => array(
'operator' => FALSE,
'label' => '',
'id' => 'type',
'table' => 'node',
'field' => 'type',
'override' => array(
'button' => 'Override',
'relationship' => 'none',
'title' => array(
'operator' => 'contains',
'value' => '',
'group' => '0',
'exposed' => TRUE,
'expose' => array(
'use_operator' => 0,
'operator' => 'title_op',
'identifier' => 'name',
'label' => 'Name:',
'remember' => 0,
'case' => 0,
'id' => 'title',
'table' => 'node',
'field' => 'title',
'override' => array(
'button' => 'Use default',
'relationship' => 'none',
'status' => array(
'operator' => '=',
'value' => 'All',
'group' => '0',
'exposed' => TRUE,
'expose' => array(
'operator' => '',
'identifier' => 'published',
'label' => 'Published?',
'optional' => 1,
'remember' => 0,
'id' => 'status',
'table' => 'node',
'field' => 'status',
'override' => array(
'button' => 'Use default',
'relationship' => 'none',
'field_ugcstate_value_many_to_one' => array(
'operator' => 'or',
'value' => array(
10 => '10',
100 => '100',
'group' => '0',
'exposed' => FALSE,
'expose' => array(
'operator' => 'field_ugcstate_value_many_to_one_op',
'label' => 'Profile Status ',
'use_operator' => 0,
'identifier' => 'field_ugcstate_value_many_to_one',
'optional' => 1,
'single' => 0,
'remember' => 0,
'reduce' => 0,
'id' => 'field_ugcstate_value_many_to_one',
'table' => 'node_data_field_ugcstate',
'field' => 'field_ugcstate_value_many_to_one',
'override' => array(
'button' => 'Use default',
'relationship' => 'none',
'reduce_duplicates' => 0,
'field_uid_claimer_value' => array(
'operator' => 'empty',
'value' => array(
'value' => '',
'min' => '',
'max' => '',
'group' => '0',
'exposed' => FALSE,
'expose' => array(
'operator' => 'field_uid_claimer_value_op',
'label' => 'Content: Uid Claiming User (field_uid_claimer)',
'use_operator' => 1,
'identifier' => 'field_uid_claimer_value',
'optional' => 1,
'remember' => 0,
'id' => 'field_uid_claimer_value',
'table' => 'node_data_field_uid_claimer',
'field' => 'field_uid_claimer_value',
'override' => array(
'button' => 'Use default',
'relationship' => 'none',
'field_country_tags_value' => array(
'operator' => 'or',
'value' => array(),
'group' => '0',
'exposed' => TRUE,
'expose' => array(
'use_operator' => 0,
'operator' => 'field_country_tags_value_op',
'identifier' => 'country',
'label' => 'Country:',
'optional' => 1,
'single' => 0,
'remember' => 0,
'reduce' => 0,
'id' => 'field_country_tags_value',
'table' => 'node_data_field_country_tags',
'field' => 'field_country_tags_value',
'override' => array(
'button' => 'Use default',
'relationship' => 'none',
'reduce_duplicates' => 0,
'field_company_owner_uid' => array(
'operator' => 'or',
'value' => array(),
'group' => '0',
'exposed' => TRUE,
'expose' => array(
'use_operator' => 0,
'operator' => 'field_company_owner_uid_op',
'identifier' => 'company_owner',
'label' => 'Company owner:',
'optional' => 1,
'single' => 0,
'remember' => 0,
'reduce' => 0,
'id' => 'field_company_owner_uid',
'table' => 'node_data_field_company_owner',
'field' => 'field_company_owner_uid',
'override' => array(
'button' => 'Use default',
'relationship' => 'none',
'reduce_duplicates' => 0,
$handler->override_option('header', '');
$handler->override_option('style_plugin', 'table');
$handler->override_option('style_options', array(
'grouping' => '',
'override' => 1,
'sticky' => 0,
'order' => 'asc',
'summary' => '',
'columns' => array(
'nid_1' => 'nid_1',
'title' => 'title',
'phpcode_1' => 'phpcode_1',
'field_country_tags_value' => 'field_country_tags_value',
'phpcode_2' => 'phpcode_2',
'phpcode_3' => 'phpcode_3',
'status' => 'status',
'phpcode' => 'phpcode',
'created' => 'created',
'field_company_comment_value' => 'field_company_comment_value',
'field_company_owner_uid' => 'field_company_owner_uid',
'info' => array(
'nid_1' => array(
'sortable' => 1,
'separator' => '',
'title' => array(
'sortable' => 1,
'separator' => '',
'phpcode_1' => array(
'separator' => '',
'field_country_tags_value' => array(
'separator' => '',
'phpcode_2' => array(
'separator' => '',
'phpcode_3' => array(
'separator' => '',
'status' => array(
'sortable' => 1,
'separator' => '',
'phpcode' => array(
'separator' => '',
'created' => array(
'sortable' => 1,
'separator' => '',
'field_company_comment_value' => array(
'sortable' => 1,
'separator' => '',
'field_company_owner_uid' => array(
'separator' => '',
'default' => '-1',
$handler->override_option('path', 'db/companies');
$handler->override_option('menu', array(
'type' => 'none',
'title' => '',
'description' => '',
'weight' => 0,
'name' => 'navigation',
$handler->override_option('tab_options', array(
'type' => 'none',
'title' => '',
'description' => '',
'weight' => 0,
'name' => 'navigation',