// $Id: views_bulk_operations.js,v 2010/09/15 17:23:35 kratib Exp $ (function ($) { // START jQuery Drupal.vbo = Drupal.vbo || {}; Drupal.vbo.selectAll = function() { var table = this; var form = $(table).parents('form'); var select = $('th.select-all', table).click(function() { setSelectAll(false); }); $('input#vbo-select-all-pages', table).click(function() { setSelectAll(true); }); $('input#vbo-select-this-page', table).click(function() { setSelectAll(false); }); var checkboxes = $('td input:checkbox.vbo-select', form).click(function() { if (checkboxes.length > $(checkboxes).filter(':checked').length) { $('input#edit-objects-select-all', form).val(0); } setSelectAll($('input#edit-objects-select-all', form).val() == 1); }).each(function() { $(this).parents('tr:first')[ this.checked ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass' ]('selected'); }); var setSelectAll = function(all) { $('input#edit-objects-select-all', form).val(all ? 1 : 0); $('th.select-all input:checkbox', table).each(function() { if (this.checked) { $('td.view-field-select-all', table).css('display', $.browser.msie ? 'inline-block' : 'table-cell'); $('span#vbo-this-page', table).css('display', all ? 'none' : 'inline'); $('span#vbo-all-pages', table).css('display', all ? 'inline' : 'none'); } else { $('td.view-field-select-all', table).css('display', 'none'); } }); } // Update UI based on initial values. if ($('input#edit-objects-select-all', form).val() == 1 || checkboxes.length == $(checkboxes).filter(':checked').length) { $('th.select-all input:checkbox', table).each(function() { this.checked = true; }); setSelectAll($('input#edit-objects-select-all', form).val() == 1); } } Drupal.vbo.startUp = function(context) { // Reset the form action that Views Ajax might destroy. $('form[id^=views-bulk-operations-form]').each(function() { $(this).attr('action', Drupal.settings.basePath+Drupal.settings.vbo.url); }); // Set up the VBO table for select-all functionality. $('form table:has(th.select-all)', context).each(this.selectAll); // Set up the ability to click anywhere on the row to select it. $('tr.rowclick', context).click(function(event) { if (event.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'input' && event.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'a') { $(':checkbox.vbo-select', this).each(function() { var checked = this.checked; // trigger() toggles the checkmark *after* the event is set, // whereas manually clicking the checkbox toggles it *beforehand*. // that's why we manually set the checkmark first, then trigger the // event (so that listeners get notified), then re-set the checkmark // which the trigger will have toggled. yuck! this.checked = !checked; $(this).trigger('click'); this.checked = !checked; }); } }); // Set up pager handling to store the current selection. $('ul.pager a', context).click(function() { var selection = []; $(':checkbox.vbo-select', context).filter(':checked').each(function() { selection.push($(this).val()); }); var select_all = $('#edit-objects-select-all', context).val(); var page = location.href.match(/page=(\d+)/) || [0,0]; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: Drupal.settings.basePath+'views-bulk-operations/js/pager', data: 'url='+escape(Drupal.settings.vbo.url)+'&selection='+selection+'&select_all='+select_all+'&page='+page[1], datatype: 'json', async: false, }); return true; }); } Drupal.behaviors.vbo = function(context) { // Force Firefox to reload the page if Back is hit. // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Using_Firefox_1.5_caching window.onunload = function(){} // Set up VBO UI. if (Drupal.settings.vbo) { Drupal.vbo.startUp(context); } } // END jQuery })(jQuery);