Drupal-8.0.0-beta2 Drush fast ok

am 24.10.2014 - 19:15 Uhr in
Kennt jemand diese Fehler Meldung. Drush ard pml und sonst geht alles nur drush up anscheinend nicht. Hat das seinen Grund vielleicht.
Fehler machen mich krank :)
patrick@patrick-svbox-ubuntu:/var/www/html/drupal/core/drupal-8/sandbox/public_html/sites$ drush up
The external command could not be executed due to an application error.
patrick@patrick-svbox-ubuntu:/var/www/html/drupal/core/drupal-8/sandbox/public_html$ drush pml
Package Name Type Status Version
Core Actions (action) Module Not installed 8.0.0-beta2
Core Activity Tracker (tracker) Module Not installed 8.0.0-beta2
Core Aggregator (aggregator) Module Not installed 8.0.0-beta2
Core Ban (ban) Module Not installed 8.0.0-beta2
Core Block (block) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core Book (book) Module Not installed 8.0.0-beta2
Core Breakpoint (breakpoint) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core CKEditor (ckeditor) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core Color (color) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core Comment (comment) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core Configuration Manager (config) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core Contact (contact) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core Contextual Links (contextual) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core Custom Block (block_content) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core Custom Menu Links (menu_link_content) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core Database Logging (dblog) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core Field (field) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core Field UI (field_ui) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core Filter (filter) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core Forum (forum) Module Not installed 8.0.0-beta2
Core Help (help) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core History (history) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core Menu UI (menu_ui) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core Migrate (migrate) Module Not installed 8.0.0-beta2
Core Migrate Drupal (migrate_drupal) Module Not installed 8.0.0-beta2
Core Node (node) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core Path (path) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core Quick Edit (quickedit) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core RDF (rdf) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core Responsive Image (responsive_image) Module Not installed 8.0.0-beta2
Core Search (search) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core Shortcut (shortcut) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core Statistics (statistics) Module Not installed 8.0.0-beta2
Core Syslog (syslog) Module Not installed 8.0.0-beta2
Core System (system) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core Taxonomy (taxonomy) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core Testing (simpletest) Module Not installed 8.0.0-beta2
Core Text Editor (editor) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core Toolbar (toolbar) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core Tour (tour) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core Update Manager (update) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core User (user) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core Views (views) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core Views UI (views_ui) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Field types Datetime (datetime) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Field types Entity Reference (entity_reference) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Field types File (file) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Field types Image (image) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Field types Link (link) Module Not installed 8.0.0-beta2
Field types Options (options) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Field types Telephone (telephone) Module Not installed 8.0.0-beta2
Field types Text (text) Module Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Multilingual Configuration Translation (config_translation) Module Not installed 8.0.0-beta2
Multilingual Content Translation (content_translation) Module Not installed 8.0.0-beta2
Multilingual Interface Translation (locale) Module Not installed 8.0.0-beta2
Multilingual Language (language) Module Not installed 8.0.0-beta2
Web services HAL (hal) Module Not installed 8.0.0-beta2
Web services HTTP Basic Authentication (basic_auth) Module Not installed 8.0.0-beta2
Web services RESTful Web Services (rest) Module Not installed 8.0.0-beta2
Web services Serialization (serialization) Module Not installed 8.0.0-beta2
Core Bartik (bartik) Theme Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core Classy (classy) Theme Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core Seven (seven) Theme Enabled 8.0.0-beta2
Core Stark (stark) Theme Disabled 8.0.0-beta2
Composer version 1.0-dev (a309e1d89ded6919935a842faeaed8e888fbfe37) 2014-10-20 19:16:14
'drush' cache was cleared. [success]
patrick@patrick-svbox-ubuntu:/var/www/html/drupal/core/drupal-8/sandbox/public_html$ drush status
Drupal version : 8.0.0-dev
Site URI : http://default ...
Database driver : mysql
Database hostname : localhost
Database port : 3306
Database username : root
Database name : drupal_core_drupal_8_sandbox
Database : Connected
Drupal bootstrap : Successful
Drupal user : Anonymous
Default theme : bartik
Administration theme : seven
PHP executable : /usr/bin/php
PHP configuration : /etc/php5/cli/php.ini
PHP OS : Linux
Drush version : 7.0-dev
Drush temp directory : /tmp
Drush configuration :
Drush alias files :
Drupal root : /var/www/html/drupal/core/drupal-8/sandbox/public_html
Site path : sites/default
File directory path : sites/default/files
Temporary file directory path : /tmp
Active config path : sites/default/files/config_l7bg-Tf1XykNe9UB3sFG4dXue-jZYiA6FgJE4kixViJxmeX2PHN2WLwWeSxss55AA86qBh-vbg/active
Staging config path : sites/default/files/config_l7bg-Tf1XykNe9UB3sFG4dXue-jZYiA6FgJE4kixViJxmeX2PHN2WLwWeSxss55AA86qBh-vbg/stagin
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