Beispiel Aufbau einer Page.tpl.php (Drupal 5)
Der nachfolgende Code zeigt die page.tpl.php Datei des Bluemarine-Themes.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" lang="<?php print $language ?>" xml:lang="<?php print $language ?>">
<title><?php print $head_title ?></title>
<?php print $head ?>
<?php print $styles ?>
<?php print $scripts ?>
<script type="text/javascript"><?php /* Needed to avoid Flash of Unstyle Content in IE */ ?> </script>
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="header">
<td id="logo">
<?php if ($logo) { ?><a href="<?php print $base_path ?>" title="<?php print t('Home') ?>"><img src="<?php print $logo ?>" alt="<?php print t('Home') ?>" /></a><?php } ?>
<?php if ($site_name) { ?><h1 class='site-name'><a href="<?php print $base_path ?>" title="<?php print t('Home') ?>"><?php print $site_name ?></a></h1><?php } ?>
<?php if ($site_slogan) { ?><div class='site-slogan'><?php print $site_slogan ?></div><?php } ?>
<td id="menu">
<?php if (isset($secondary_links)) { ?><?php print theme('links', $secondary_links, array('class' =>'links', 'id' => 'subnavlist')) ?><?php } ?>
<?php if (isset($primary_links)) { ?><?php print theme('links', $primary_links, array('class' =>'links', 'id' => 'navlist')) ?><?php } ?>
<?php print $search_box ?>
<td colspan="2"><div><?php print $header ?></div></td>
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="content">
<?php if ($sidebar_left) { ?><td id="sidebar-left">
<?php print $sidebar_left ?>
</td><?php } ?>
<td valign="top">
<?php if ($mission) { ?><div id="mission"><?php print $mission ?></div><?php } ?>
<div id="main">
<?php print $breadcrumb ?>
<h1 class="title"><?php print $title ?></h1>
<div class="tabs"><?php print $tabs ?></div>
<?php print $help ?>
<?php print $messages ?>
<?php print $content; ?>
<?php print $feed_icons; ?>
<?php if ($sidebar_right) { ?><td id="sidebar-right">
<?php print $sidebar_right ?>
</td><?php } ?>
<div id="footer">
<?php print $footer_message ?>
<?php print $closure ?>
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