Fehlermeldung beim Archive-Modul
Eingetragen von ahoek (570)
am 09.01.2009 - 13:18 Uhr in
am 09.01.2009 - 13:18 Uhr in
ich habe das Archive-Modul installiert und bekome nach der Anzeige des Moduls als Block folgende Fehlermeldung:
warning: cal_days_in_month() [function.cal-days-in-month]: invalid date. in /var/www/vhosts/canariasfight.com/httpdocs/modules/archive/archive.module on line 106.
Hier nochmal die Zeile 106 und deren Umgebung:
// Get the number of days for the previous month for adding those dates
// to the block calendar. Store the month/year for the previous month
// so that we can find and link to archive pages in those extra days.
// We don't need to get days for the next month as we'll never need to fit
// the entire month into the block.
$prev_month = $month==1?12:$month-1;
$prev_year = $month==1?$year-1:$year;
$num_days_prev = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $month-1, $year);\\ Zeile 106
$next_month = $month==12?1:$month+1;
$next_year = $month==12?$year+1:$year;
$date = _archive_date('all', $year, $month);
$month_title = '';
if (isset($date->months[$month])) {
$month_title = l($title, _archive_url('all', $year, $month), array('title' => format_plural($date->months[format_date($timestamp, 'custom', 'n')], '1 post', '@count posts')));
else {
$month_title = $title;
Weiß jemand Rat, was ich tun kann?
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am 09.01.2009 - 14:12 Uhr
Weiß jemand Rat, was ich tun kann?
Ja: http://drupal.org/node/353112.
btw: den Issue habe ich nach ca. 15s googlen gefunden. Nur mal so als Hinweis.
Tipp: Beachte die Verhaltensregeln des DrupalCenter.