Filefield: Bild wird immer in Ordner imagefield_thumbs gespeichert - warum?

am 29.04.2010 - 10:37 Uhr in
ich benutze ImageCache+CCK+Filefield. Wenn ich nun ein Bild hochlade wird immer ein thumbnail im Ordner
angelegt. Dieses benötige ich aber nicht da ich mit ImageCache arbeite.
Wie kann ich die Speicherung abstellen? Sehe glaub ich den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht.
viele Grüße Stefan
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please following below
am 13.05.2010 - 15:14 Uhr
please following below ll helpful
1.First login to Administer -> Site Building -> Image cache (this used to be Administer -> Site Configuration -> Image cache in older versions of the module). Then label a new namespace preset: for example "small" (no quotes) and click on the 'Create preset' button. Please find the below link in your site
2.Then choose an action: scale, resize, or crop. Scale works well when you want to keep the aspect ratio, you only need to enter one of the dimensions in this case. Resize will allow you to produce images of any arbitrary size, even if that results in a distorted image. Crop will allow you to display only part of the image.
3.After that, give the preset a width and height, you can use a percentage to get sizes relative to the original image's size or enter an absolute value in pixels. In the first example example we would use 50% or 120 to make a 120 pixel square image. As the second example is more generic and you might be dealing with images of several sizes, the best choice would be to specify a maximum value for both width and weight the image displayed in the teaser.
4.Let's suppose you want to scale the maximum size of the image to be 48x48. To do that, you fill out the width and height, and set it to scale to fit inside dimensions, unless you don't care if one of the dimensions may actually end up greater than the specified value. Don't forget to click on the 'Update preset' button after setting the needed values.
5.Now that we've successfully created our preset namespace, we need to edit the desired CCK field to automatically resize the images. To accomplish that, first go to Administer -> Content Management -> Content Types. After that, click on the configure link for the content type that contains the content type that has the field you want to configure.
suppose you select the page please find the below url :
6.Then just select display fields and set Teaser to the desired preset and click on 'Submit' (in this case "small", you could also edit full if you wanted the images to always be resized, even when browsing the full content).