Kann das Sub Theme von ZEN nicht einschalten

am 02.09.2011 - 15:53 Uhr in
Hi zusammen
ich habe ein kleines Problem
habe heute Drupal 7.8 installiert sowie auch das ZEN
nun habe ich alle Anweisungen befolgt um ein Sub Theme aufzusetzen
aber ich kann mein Sub Theme in "Design" nicht einschalten, weil es gernicht in der Liste erscheint
bin jetzt völlig, ratlos.
1. Setup the location for your new sub-theme.
Copy the STARTERKIT folder out of the zen/ folder and rename it to be your
new sub-theme. IMPORTANT: The name of your sub-theme must start with an
alphabetic character and can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and
For example, copy the sites/all/themes/zen/STARTERKIT folder and rename it
as sites/all/themes/foo.< -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------habe ich gemacht
Why? Each theme should reside in its own folder. To make it easier to
upgrade Zen, sub-themes should reside in a folder separate from the base
2. Setup the basic information for your sub-theme.
In your new sub-theme folder, rename the STARTERKIT.info.txt file to include
the name of your new sub-theme and remove the ".txt" extension. Then edit
the .info file by editing the name and description field.
For example, rename the foo/STARTERKIT.info file to foo/foo.info. Edit the
foo.info file and change "name = Zen Sub-theme Starter Kit" to "name = Foo"
and "description = Read..." to "description = A Zen sub-theme".<......................das auch
Why? The .info file describes the basic things about your theme: its
name, description, features, template regions, CSS files, and JavaScript
files. See the Drupal 7 Theme Guide for more info:
Then, visit your site's Appearance page at admin/appearance to refresh
Drupal 7's cache of .info file data.
3. Choose your preferred page layout method or grid system.
By default your new sub-theme is using a fixed-width layout. If you want a
liquid layout for your theme, delete the unneeded layout-fixed.css and
layout-fixed-rtl.css files and edit your sub-theme's .info file and replace
the reference to layout-fixed.css with layout-liquid.css.
For example, edit foo/foo.info and change this line:
stylesheets[all][] = css/layout-fixed.css
stylesheets[all][] = css/layout-liquid.cs<--------------------------------------------das auch
Why? The "stylesheets" lines in your .info file describe the media type
and path to the CSS file you want to include. The format for these lines
is: stylesheets[MEDIA][] = path/to/file.css
Alternatively, if you are more familiar with a different CSS layout method,
such as Blueprint or 960.gs, you can replace the "css/layout-fixed.css" line
in your .info file with a line pointing at your choice of layout CSS file.
Then, visit your site's Appearance page at admin/appearance to refresh
Drupal 7's cache of .info file data.
4. Edit your sub-theme to use the proper function names.
Edit the template.php and theme-settings.php files in your sub-theme's
folder; replace ALL occurrences of "STARTERKIT" with the name of your
For example, edit foo/template.php and foo/theme-settings.php and replace
every occurrence of "STARTERKIT" with "foo".
It is recommended to use a text editing application with search and
"replace all" functionality.<---------------------------------------------------------------------------das auch
5. Set your website's default theme.
Log in as an administrator on your Drupal site, go to the Appearance page at
admin/appearance and click the "Enable and set default" link next to your
new sub-theme.<-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------und das geht jetzt nicht
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Hast Du die Änderungen am
am 02.09.2011 - 18:07 Uhr
Hast Du die Änderungen am .info-File mit einem UFT-8-fähigen Editor gemacht? Den .info-File sollte nämlich im UTF-8-Format sein.
Beste Grüße
Hi Werner vielen Dank ich
am 03.09.2011 - 14:00 Uhr
Hi Werner vielen Dank
ich habe sie mit Homesite 4,5 editiert
und der ist nicht UFT-8 fähig :-(
jetzt habe ich die geänderte Infodatei mit "SuperEdi" geöffnet und als UTF-8 gespeichet
hätte ich die Datei mit dem Editor neu abverändern sollen? oder langt das wenn ich die datei einfach mit " speichern unter" auf den Server lege
Grüße aus Mannheim