Location installieren

am 30.08.2007 - 17:35 Uhr in
ich versteh nicht so ganz was ich da machen soll...
bei step 1:
soll ich den username etc einfach irgendwo in die datei schreiben?
username und passwort von meinem server oder was, und dann den namen der datenbank?
wie kann ich testen ob es richtig installiert ist?
öhm sind nicht schon die ganzenm dateien in den richtigen ordnern?
wär echt dankbar... :)
Step 1
To support proximity searches and most useful features, you will need a
postal codes database for each country for which you plan to use a file from
the "supported/" directory. The database structure can be loaded from the
database/zipcodes.mysql file, and the data can be loaded from
database/zipcodes.CC.mysql (where CC is the two-letter country code).
As of this post, only U.S. and German postal codes are supported. A single
zipcodes table holds all the zipcodes. To create the zipcodes table using
the database/zipcodes.mysql file from within the location tarball, feed
these dumps to your database. If your site is using a prefix for database
table names, make sure to adjust accordingly. Careful, the postal code dump
for the US is a few MB.
mysql -u username -ppassword -h localhost database-name < modules/location/database/zipcodes.mysql
To make use of the U.S. postalcodes:
mysql -u username -ppassword -h localhost database-name < modules/location/database/zipcodes.us.mysql
To make use of the German postal codes:
mysql -u username -ppassword -h localhoost database-name < modules/location/database/zipcodes.de.mysql
where "username", "password" are the username/loging and "database-name" are
the parameters to login to your Drupal site's database. You can leave out
"-h localhost" if your MySQL server runs on the same site as your Apache.
However, replace 'localhost' in "-h localhost" if your MySQL server is on a
different machine.
Step 2
In the "modules/" directory, create a subdirectory called "location/" which
itself contains a subdirectory called "supported/".
Download "location.inc" to "modules/location/"
Download "location.module" to "modules/location/"
Download "earth.inc" to "modules/location/"
Download "supported/location.us.inc" to "modules/location/supported/" (for
support of US locations)
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Err0r@drupal.org wrote: ich
am 03.09.2007 - 12:14 Uhr
ich versteh nicht so ganz was ich da machen soll...
bei step 1:
Du mußt die entsprechende Tabelle anlegen und die SQL-Datei einlesen. Das kannst Du auch einfach über den PHPmyAdmin Import machen.
öhm sind nicht schon die ganzenm dateien in den richtigen ordnern?
Wenn Du das Modul entpackt und in Dein Modulverzeichnis kopierst hast, sollte damit alles okay sein.
bv - drupalcenter.de