Views + tpl.php Aufruf

am 01.10.2007 - 22:46 Uhr in
Ich rufe einen View aus der tpl.php auf, mein Problem ist, dass die Beschränkung auf 10 Nodes bei diesem Aufruf irgendwie ignoriert wird. Kann ich dafür ne Variable mit geben?
so sieht es aus:
$view = views_get_view('user_tracker');
print views_build_view('embed', $view, array(strval($profileuser->uid)), false, false);
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Zur Orientierung
am 01.10.2007 - 23:15 Uhr
Zur Orientierung:
* This builds the basic view.
* @param $type
* 'page' -- Produce output as a page, sent through theme.
* The only real difference between this and block is that
* a page uses drupal_set_title to change the page title.
* 'block' -- Produce output as a block, sent through theme.
* 'embed' -- Use this if you want to embed a view onto another page,
* and don't want any block or page specific things to happen to it.
* 'result' -- return an $info array. The array contains:
* query: The actual query ran.
* countquery: The count query that would be run if limiting was required.
* summary: True if an argument was missing and a summary was generated.
* level: What level the missing argument was at.
* result: Database object you can use db_fetch_object on.
* 'items' -- return info array as above, except instead of result,
* items: An array of objects containing the results of the query.
* 'queries' -- returns an array, summarizing the queries, but does not
* run them.
* @param $view
* The actual view object. Use views_get_view() if you only have the name or
* vid.
* @param $args
* args taken from the URL. Not relevant for many views. Can be null.
* @param $use_pager
* If set, use a pager. Set this to the pager id you want it
* to use if you plan on using multiple pagers on a page. To go with the
* default setting, set to $view->use_pager. Note that the pager element
* id will be decremented in order to have the IDs start at 0.
* @param $limit
* Required if $use_pager is set; if $limit is set and $use_pager is
* not, this will be the maximum number of records returned. This is ignored
* if using a view set to return a random result. To go with the default
* setting set to $view->nodes_per_page or $view->nodes_per_block. If
* $use_pager is set and this field is not, you'll get a SQL error. Don't
* do that!
* @param $page
* $use_pager is false, and $limit is !0, $page tells it what page to start
* on, in case for some reason a particular section of view is needed,
* @param $offset
* If $use_pager == false, skip the first $offset results. Does not work
* with pager.
* without paging on.
* @param $filters
* An array of exposed filter ops and values to use with the exposed filter system
* Array has the form:
* [0] => array('op' => 'foo', 'value' => 'bar'),
* [1] => array('value' => 'zoo'), // for a locked operator, e.g.
* If no array is passed in, views will look in the $_GET array for potential filters
function views_build_view($type, &$view, $args = array(), $use_pager = false, $limit = 0, $page = 0, $offset = 0, $filters = NULL) {
Sag wenn es geklapt hat.
$view = views_get_view('user_tracker');
print views_build_view('embed', $view, array(strval($profileuser->uid)), false, 10);
10 gibt nur 10 Nodes aus.
Nur tote Fische schwimmen mit dem Strom.
Ich habe das mit der auf 10
am 01.10.2007 - 23:26 Uhr
Ich habe das mit der auf 10 begerenzten Ausgabe mit einem View in einem Template eben getestet. Es funktioniert.
Zur Ergaenzung:
Unbegrenzte Anzahl waere 0. Wobei man in der Viewkonfiguration nicht den Wert 0 eintragen kann um unbegrenzt zu definieren. In diesem Falle kann man 9999999 als "unbegrenzte Anzahl" oder so im View eintragen.
Nur tote Fische schwimmen mit dem Strom.
super besten dank, auch für
am 01.10.2007 - 23:32 Uhr
super besten dank, auch für die geilo übersicht